There's no woulda, coulda, shoulda.
Live and love with no regrets. Things
might not always work out the way you
want them to, but other times they'll turn
out even better than you expected
All I wanted was help.
But instead, it got worse.
I guess she still loves him
because what they had
ways always just in her head.
I'd give anything to hear you tell me you care for me, just so I can turn and walk away.
Sometimes in life, you hit that time when you just need to say goodbye.
When your past is your past and you need to get a new beginning.
Sometimes you have to realize that you're not who you used to be, and there are some things that you need to do.
Sometimes, these moments come and go, and they will never go until you fix them.
So just let go of him.
It's over.
When your past is your past and you need to get a new beginning.
Sometimes you have to realize that you're not who you used to be, and there are some things that you need to do.
Sometimes, these moments come and go, and they will never go until you fix them.
So just let go of him.
It's over.
You can't swim in this town of shallow.
to guys, love is just another page in the book of life,
to girls, its the whole book.
to girls, its the whole book.
Damaged people are dangerous
Because they know they can survive.
Because they know they can survive.
We all live like we have forever.
Getting too tangled in everything.
Wasting useful memories on drama.
One day we'll wake up & wonder where
all our precious time went.
& we'll remember what we wasted it on.
& how it was all a big mistake.
It's pretty bad when you can't even keep up with your own lies anymore
I’m sitting in the middle of my room
Staring at the walls. I wouldn’t call them
Blank but they aren’t exactly bursting
With life either.
I have learned now that while those
who speak about one's miseries usually hurt,
those who keep silent hurt more.
-C.S. Lewis
Depression is a little too common for my liking.